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Putting children first during COVID-19

COVID-19 Page - Header Image - Pakistan.jpg

The pandemic has put many of the world’s most vulnerable children at greater risk of illness, injury, abuse, and exploitation.

Many children who have fought so hard to go to school may not be able to return.

Right To Play has been taking action to keep children healthy and safe, learning, and mentally strong. Drawing on our 20 years of experience working in some of the world's worst crises, we are using the power of play to protect, educate, and empower children to rise above adversity, and help their communities build back stronger.

COVID-19 Successes - Mozambique

Millions of Mozambican children lost a safe space to learn, and a chance at a better future because of school shut-downs. We partnered with the Ministry of Education to reach 1.2 million children in grades 1 to 3 right in their homes with daily televised school lessons. Play-based learning techniques engage both kids and their parents in learning together, making parents active partners in education.

Learn more about tele-schooling in Mozambique to keep kids learning during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Successes Page  - Tanzania

In Tanzania, girls who have lost access to education are at higher risk of early marriage and pregnancy. School shut-downs have also led to a spike in cases of female genital mutilation. We responded by creating a radio drama series broadcast by Radio Free America and voiced by girls. The drama has reached 2.2 million children with information about the dangers of early marriage and pregnancy, and the importance of girls' access to education.

Listen to clips from those radio dramas and find out more.

COVID-19 Successes Page -  Jordan

Being out of school has meant children in Jordan have little access to activities that keep them learning and strong. We've developed physical activity videos using our unique play-based approach and partnered with the Ministry of Education to broadcast them through their national distance-learning channels. More than 1.4 million children between grades 1 and 12 have been able to stay healthy and active because of the lessons.

Learn more about what we're doing to keep kids physically active in Jordan during COVID-19.

COVID-19 Successes Page - Mali

Malian children who are out of school are at greater risk of being put to work in mines and other dangerous situations. We’ve reached close to 1.7 million children and adults with community-based radio programs focused on child protection and the importance of education.

Learn how we're reaching children in Mali to keep them safe and learning.

COVID-19 Successes Page - Ghana and Mozambique

In Ghana and Mozambique, we've installed tippy-taps, a low-cost, contamination-free hand-washing system, in schools and communities, reaching close to 150,000 people. We're also engaging children in being the leaders in teaching their peers and communities about safe hygiene and how to use the system.

Find out how we're keeping kids healthy during the pandemic.

Sign up to find out how you can help protect, educate, and empower children during COVID-19.