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Rising Leaders: Right To Play Thailand Works with ASEAN

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In partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Association of South East Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, Right To Play Thailand held an intensive one-week workshop in Bangkok with youth leaders to demonstrate how sports and play can unlock the power and potential of young people in their local communities.

Right To Play’s work in Thailand focuses on using our unique play-based approach to help refugee youth, youth involved with the penal system, and other marginalized or at-risk children to develop life skills. Our methods are in demand across ASEAN member states and workshops like this allow youth from many countries to learn, benefit and return home to teach others.

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The workshop had fantastic turn out, with 58 young leaders in diverse sectors from all ASEAN member states and 10 representatives from Norway attending. Our staff and guest speakers offered training in leadership, project management and conducting sports and play sessions. Thai attendees were also eligible for small seed funds to enable them to start their projects and empower other youth within their home communities.

"Without technical and financial support from this workshop, it would be hard for participants to initiate projects" - Se Sokunvathna, participant from Cambodia

The first youth initiative began in December 2019. Wai Yan Thant Zin and a group of medical students from Myanmar ran a four-day workshop on drug addiction, sex education, and basic football skills that reached 40 children and ended with a sports festival near the border of Thailand and Myanmar. The other youth leaders were eager to get started, and many of the funded projects have already begun by the end of January 2020.

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Follow the hashtags #RighttoplayThailand and #ASEANS4DPL on social media to see their diverse personal projects.