Lake Crossing Young Professionals 2023
Once again, the Young Professionals of Right To Play Switzerland organized a private lake crossing. The 31 swimmers had their network sponsor them. In addition to Right To Play, the proceeds will also go to the Mwende Bora School in Lamu, Kenya. Since the first time the event was held, a total of 100,000 Swiss francs in donations have been raised. The Charity Action 2023 was supported by Macam Insurance.

When the participants arrived in Kilchberg in the late afternoon, the air was cool from the rain. It took some overcoming to jump into the water and cover the approx. 1.8 kilometers to the opposite shore. Despite the rainy weather, the mood was good, and the swimmers were motivated. Before jumping into the cool water, power gels and power bars were provided for refreshment.

During the lake crossing, the participants had to brave the waves in Lake Zurich. Safety was taken care of the whole time. A total of four dinghies were always close to the swimmers. At any time, the Young Professionals could have climbed onto one of these boats if they were exhausted. This year, no one had to make use of this, and everyone swam to the finish in Küsnacht.
After the approximately one-hour swim, everyone arrived at the opposite shore. They had drinks, a warm soup and sandwiches to regain their strength.
A lake crossing like this is not for everyone, so we take our hats off to our Young Professionals!

We would like to sincerely thank Martin Howell, the lake crossing team and all the participants for their efforts. Together we can make a big difference and protect, educate and empower children!