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Empowering Teachers for More Resilient Children

Supporting the people who support youth

Eager students need great teachers who can match their passions. A quality education is the backbone of opportunity, and great teachers can make an enormous difference in the lives of children. They encourage students to stay in school, cultivate their passion for learning, and empower them to chase their dreams.

Teachers play an even more important role for children in crisis situations or those living through instability and conflict, providing much-needed support when everything else is uncertain. For marginalized or struggling children, teachers are the most valuable resource, more than textbooks, classrooms, or pencils.

Right To Play empowers teachers with child-centred techniques and approaches that bring out students’ best. In 2021, we trained more than 27,000 teachers to engage and include students in the classroom using games and experiential activities.

Along with upgrading teachers’ skills, we work with ministries of education to create curricula that grab children’s attention and promote their ability to learn. Teachers use their new skills and proven play-based curricula to instill a life-long love of learning in children, inspire them to develop their curiosity and problem-solving abilities, help them to improve their literacy and numeracy, and empower them with the holistic skills they need to thrive in the present and rise to meet the challenges of the future.

Here's how teachers are making a difference in children’s lives.


Harriet, tidligere flyktning, nå lærer for flyktningbarn nord i Uganda.

Conflict in her hometown in Uganda forced Harriet and her family to become refugees. Without school, Harriet was lost, and losing hope. Thanks to the support of her parents and teacher, she was able to return to school, cope with the trauma of displacement, and graduate. Today, she’s a teacher who supports displaced children to go back to learning like she did.

Learn how Harriet uses her experience as a refugee to help children.


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Many children in Ethiopia do not make it past first grade, but Obaansi, the first in her family to go to high school, is working as a volunteer teacher to change that. She’s helping young children learn the language skills they need to succeed in school.

Read about Obaansi’s calling to teach.


Raheela fikk gjennom lekbasert læring den støtten hun trengte til å bygge selvtilliten til å stå opp for seg selv

Raheela was being bullied by her peers, and it made her shy in class. With the help of her teacher, she was able to find the confidence to stand up for herself and is now a Junior Leader, helping other students overcome their own issues.

Watch how her teacher helped Raheela find her confidence.


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For Martha, dropping out of school and going to work in the city seemed like the only choice. It was an intervention by her teacher that helped her realize there was a way to continue her studies. Now Martha and her friends have started campaigning to help other girls at risk of becoming child labourers to return to school.

See how a teacher made all the difference in Martha’s life.

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